Anal warts (condyloma), caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), can appear anywhere on the body, including the anal area. These warts can frequently occur in the anal region. (1)

Around the anus, inside it, and in the rectum, which is the lower part of the large intestine, one can find small, cauliflower-like, textured protrusions that can be as small as a pinhead or as large as an orange. These protrusions are also known as HPV, anogenital condyloma, anal condyloma, condyloma acuminata, warts, among other names.
Why Do Genital Warts Occur?
The cause of this disease is a type of virus. The disease is transmitted to another person as a result of contact with the Human papillomavirus (HPV). The indispensable rule for transmission is contact. The closer and longer the contact, the greater the probability of transmission. The first mode of transmission that comes to mind for anal or genital warts is sexual intercourse, as transmission is faster from moist skin. (2)
Although a significant part of transmission is sexual, it can occasionally be seen in individuals who have not had sexual intercourse. The most important cause of non-sexual transmission is the lack of personal hygiene. Transmission can also occur through commonly used facilities such as toilets, bidet faucets, and sink faucets among people working in the same workplace. Numerous scientific studies are available on this subject.
A person with the disease on their penis will definitely transmit it to the person they have sexual intercourse with. The use of condoms can reduce the possibility of transmission, but the risk of transmission continues. If a person with warts around the anus engages in anal intercourse, the likelihood of progression towards the intestine is 100%. Similarly, it can be transmitted through sexual intercourse to the vagina, lips, vocal cords, and throat.
How Can You Tell If You Have Genital Warts?
Symptoms of anal warts include:
Protrusions like moles: The first and most important symptom seen in all patients.
Wetness: The secretion caused by the warts, resembling sweating.
Discharge: The sweating-like secretion can sometimes be so abundant that the patient perceives it as a discharge.
Bad smell in the anus: Caused by the decomposition of the secretion and skin flakes by microbes, it’s essentially a form of decay.
Itching: Caused by the wart itself, the secretion it produces, and the resulting inflammation that irritates the surrounding skin.
Bleeding: Not a common symptom, but warts breaking off can cause minor bleeding that stains underwear.
Pain: Can be felt due to irritation of the skin.
How Are Anal Warts Cured?
There is no chance of spontaneous resolution, so additional treatments are necessary. In cases of large warts, or those that have progressed into the anus and intestine, treatment with effective methods such as radiofrequency, electrocautery, laser, or surgery should be started as soon as possible. In the early stages, when the disease has not progressed, treatment with creams is possible. Treatment should be started without allowing the disease to progress when in doubt.
How Is Treatment for Anal Warts Performed?
In the treatment of anal warts, catechin-containing creams as well as surgical methods are applied. You can see the treatment methods we apply in our clinic below. Radiofrequency Radiofrequency treatment for anal warts is one of the most controlled methods and can be used with a high success rate in experienced hands. The wart is heated and destroyed with radio waves. This method is easier and more successful than surgery.
In addition, the risk of surrounding burns is lower compared to cauterization, which speeds up the healing process. Electrocautery This method applies electricity to heat and burn the tissue. It is one of the oldest treatment methods. However, the healing process can be long due to more edge burns. It is an easier method compared to surgery. This method is generally applied in state hospitals, while it is not preferred in clinics focused on the treatment of anal condyloma.
Laser In laser wart treatment, denaturation (scalding) is created in the areas where the virus is located thanks to the heat carried by the laser light. This treatment, performed in suitable cases and by experienced hands, can achieve satisfactory results. However, some types of lasers cannot be applied to intestinal warts, so it is important to discuss this issue in detail with the doctor before treatment. Surgical Method (Surgery) Surgical wart treatment is generally not a preferred method.
It is more commonly performed in state hospitals. When used in extensive and widespread cases, anal stenosis, a difficult problem to treat after surgery, can occur. The success of surgery is lower compared to other methods because small warts usually remain. Medications While surgical wart treatment is generally preferred for warts in areas like the hands, feet, and torso, it is risky to use in sensitive areas like the anus and genital region.
This treatment method can cause more difficult burns in these areas and may be harder to treat. Can Anal Wart Cream Cure It? Yes, satisfactory results can be achieved depending on the patient’s condition, timing of treatment, and correct use of creams. However, creams are generally less effective in advanced condylomas and can prolong the treatment period. Therefore, in advanced cases, the severe part of the disease should first be treated with more effective methods, and then cream should be used. Using cream after other treatment methods can reduce the number of treatment sessions and prevent recurrence.
Which Cream Is Good for Warts?
Some legally sold anal wart cream brands in Turkey are:
- Aldara
- Veregen
- Veregreen
Apart from these, there are creams sold online with enticing phrases like “100% effective, definite solution, I used it and got better,” which are usually produced by charlatans only for the sake of money, and the content of which is not even known. However, it would be wrong to waste time with creams without scientific support.
All three products are brown in color. The substance that gives the brown color is catechin. Since it is brown, it can stain underwear. Although it can be washed off, it is a correct approach to prefer dark-colored underwear during treatment.
Is Anal Wart Dangerous?
Treatment should definitely not be postponed due to fear or embarrassment.
Because this disease is contagious and will continue to spread to people living in the same house, working in the same workplace, and in common areas (malls, hospitals, etc.) if not treated. The sexual partner is the person most at risk of transmission.
The lesion will continue to grow and spread from the patient to themselves. It can spread from the anus to the genital organs and progress to the intestine (inevitable in those who engage in anal intercourse). It can spread from the genital organs to the anus. In those who engage in oral intercourse, it can spread to the lips, mouth, throat, and vocal cords. Condom use does not provide protection from this spread and transmission. Contagiousness continues as long as the lesions are present, and some publications even indicate that contagiousness will continue during the first session or even while using the cream.
- Yanofsky, V. R., Patel, R. V., & Goldenberg, G. (2012). Genital warts: a comprehensive review. The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology, 5(6), 25.
- Braaten, K. P., & Laufer, M. R. (2008). Human papillomavirus (HPV), HPV-related disease, and the HPV vaccine. Reviews in obstetrics and gynecology, 1(1), 2.